Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Black flies black flies black flies.

They are terrible. TERRIBLE. I haven´t really slept in two nights, for the }itchin´. I´ll post a picture of my legs later but you won´t like it.
I´m going to Tajin this weekend for this wonderful (i think) festival at the ruins there. We´re staying in a bungalo. Today´s st. patty´s which also happens down here. I think the pinching thing is just a mean US thing though. Also our soccer team is playing some other soccer team and it´s a big deal. Also no school tomorrow so everyone is headin to the bars fo da game.
it´s colder n balls here. Since nowhere has climate control inside just means dry. It rains all the time.
And everythings starts comically late. And no one every hurries because of this. In general, life is less stressful. Everyone has a get-it-done-eventually attitude and things really do get done eventually. It´s sort of unheard of to be in such a rush you can´t stop and talk for a minute. There are only like twenty songs on the radio, and the gas trucks play two more, and the mariachis play like ten more, and the tomale carts have one too. I´m hoping to learn them all it seems doable. I´m learning over the rainbow in spanish on guitar right now. But my next song I think will be beatles in spanish, i get to pick. Exited!
Making more friends all the time, trying to get less awful at spanish. Getting there. Ah! i have class. love,

1 comment:

  1. I wrote you a 50 line poem and blogspot deleted it.
    I basically just said that I miss you
    and I asked if you'd gotten my letter.

    And a lot of other stuff.
    But the important part: I miss you.

